General Terms and Conditions
General Conditions Bicycle Rental Dousberg (BOVAG)
English version below
Article 1 Rent
The rental price is determined on the basis of the rates applied by Fietsverhuur Dousberg at the time of conclusion of the rental agreement.
Article 2 Definitions
Bicycle: the bicycle, which is the subject of the rental agreement;
Tenant: the natural or legal person who, as tenant, concludes the tenancy agreement;
Landlord: the natural or legal person who, as landlord, concludes the tenancy agreement'.
Article 3 Payment
- The rental fee and all other amounts must be paid before the rented items are taken away.
- A deposit applies per item. If stated otherwise on the contract. This deposit is used to return the rented object to the hirer in good condition. Any damage or theft will be deducted from the deposit.
- If the Hirer is unable to use the bicycle(s) for any reason whatsoever, the Lessor shall not be liable for any resulting costs and damages.
- In the case referred to in the previous paragraph, the Hirer remains obliged to pay the full rental sum and any other amounts specified in the invoice, unless the Hirer can prove, with regard to the rental sum, that the inability to use the bicycle(s) was the result of a defect that already existed at the start of the rental period.
- Reservations not paid in advance will be released for further rental from 11 a.m. onwards, unless otherwise communicated and/or agreed upon by the hirer.
Article 4 Rental period
- The rental period is the period between the times of commencement and return as stated in the contract.
- Extension of the hire period can only take place after permission has been obtained from the lessor and at the (extension) rates referred to in Article a.
- Premature return of the bicycle(s) shall cause the termination of the rental agreement without entitlement to a reduction of the rental price stated in the contract or the increased rental price due to extension.
- The bicycle(s) must be returned to the address of the lessor at the latest at the time of return stated in the contract. Parking the bicycles in front of the reception of Dormio Resort Maastricht or handing them in at the reception desk of Dormio Resort Maastricht does not constitute an official return of the rented bicycles and accessories.
- If the original or extended rental period is exceeded by more than 15 minutes because the bicycle(s) is (are) not returned to the lessor's address on time, the rental shall continue until the bicycle(s) is (are) received by the lessor, at the rates stated in Article 1.
- Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous paragraph, the Lessor shall in that case have the right to declare the rental agreement dissolved without judicial intervention and to demand the return of the bicycle(s) without delay or to repossess the bicycle(s) wherever and whomever the bicycle(s) may be found. The Lessor shall also have this power if the Lessee fails to comply with any terms of the rental agreement.
Article 5 Use/Liability
- The bicycle(s) may only be used in accordance with their normal purpose and by the rider(s) named in the rental contract. The bicycle(s) must be returned to the Lessor clean and in the same condition as it/they was/are received. The Lessor will accept any soiling caused by normal use.
- The bicycle(s) will be handed over to the Hirer at the beginning of the hire period in perfect condition. If the hirer discovers that something is not right, this should be reported immediately to the lessor. At the end of the rental period, Fietsverhuur Dousberg cannot be held liable for any defects/defects.
- The Hirer shall take good care of the bicycle(s). The renter must take precautions against damage, loss or theft. Always lock the bicycle with the ring and plug-in (or extra cable) locks provided by the lessee. Always store bicycles in a designated bicycle shed or storage area near the house, flat or residence. Never leave the bicycle(s) unlocked/unguarded.
- Het resort is voorzien van bergingen bij nagenoeg alle woningen en appartementen, hier dienen de fietsen gestald te worden. Het centrum van Maastricht is voorzien van een aantal bewaakte fietsenstallingen. De gratis fietsenstallingen bevinden zich op Markt 36-A, de Kesselskade en centraal station Maastricht.; De fiets(en) stallen buiten de daarvoor bedoelde plekken, kan leiden dat deze worden gestolen of opgehaald door de gemeente en getransporteerd naar het fiets depot.
- In any case, the bicycle(s) should not be used on unpaved paths.
- A helmet is recommended (not compulsory) for electric bicycles. The rental company does not accept any liability as a result of the driver not wearing a proper helmet.
- The renter remains liable for theft and damage to the rented bicycle(s) until the rental company takes possession of the bicycle(s).
Article 6 Damage, loss and theft
When signing the tenancy agreement in the shop, the tenant is given a Rent guarantee offered.
De huurgarantie houdt in dat u een lager eigen risico heeft bij diefstal, verlies en (ongeval)schade:
– Diefstal, alleen wanneer de sleutel kan worden overhandigd.
- In the event of loss, the renter must always contact the City of Maastricht (bicycle depot department) on +31 (0)43 350 40 40. If the bicycle is located there, the renter can retrieve it for a fee (this is not included in the rental guarantee).
- Damage, in case of collision or fall. only if the bicycle has been used properly.
De kosten van de huurgarantie bedragen:
€ 2,50,- per gewone fiets per dag;
€ 5,- per tandem/elektrische fiets per dag;
€ 10,- per bakfiets per dag.
De huurgarantie dekt alleen de prijs van de fietsen. Er is te allen tijde een eigen risico.
Bij een gewone fiets € 50,- per schade en € 100,- per diefstal.
Bij een tandem en elektrische fiets € 200,- per schade en € 1000,- per diefstal.
Bij een elektrische bakfiets € 250,- per schade en € 2500,- per diefstal.
Deze kan niet worden afgekocht. De huurgarantie dekt geen persoonlijke schade of letsel.
The loss of a key and/or a battery charger is not covered by the rental guarantee, but is at the expense of the hirer. The costs for obtaining an original new key are €15,-. The cost for an original Bosch battery charger is € 129,-.
If the renter does not make use of the rental guarantee, the rented bicycle(s) are not insured for loss/theft and/or hull damage. The renter is liable for damage to or the loss of the bicycle(s) or parts thereof, as well as the bicycle keys and chain/locks. In case of theft or loss the damage amount will be charged. In case of theft the renter must hand over the key. Collecting the bike and/or returning the deposit does not relieve the renter of his/her obligation to compensate for damage occurring during the rental period.
Kosten van de fietsen bij het niet afnemen van de huurgarantie:
Stadsfiets 3 versnellingen € 875,- (Batavus Personal Bike N3)
Stadsfiets met 7 versnellingen € 1099,- (Cortina Socio)
Sportieve stadsfiets met 7 versnellingen € 899,- (Trek District 2 EQ)
Sportieve stadsfiets met 9 versnellingen € 899,- (Trek Verve 2 EQ)
Elektrische fiets € 2499,- (Trek District+ 1 400Wh)
Kindertandem € 2499,- (Onderwaterfiets XL N7)
Elektrische Bakfiets € 5999,- (Urban Arrow Family 545Wh)
Article 7 Costs during rental period
All charges and taxes relating to the bicycle(s) shall be borne by the Hirer. Likewise, the Hirer shall bear all costs related to their use, such as storage and repairs, for example punctures and improper use with resulting defects and costs. General maintenance, not attributable to the tenant, shall be at the expense of the landlord.
Article 8 Reservation/Cancellation
- Alle reserveringen; online, per mail of telefonisch, dienen direct financieel voldaan te worden.
- In the unlikely event of a cancellation, this can be done free of charge provided that no more than 48 hours notice is given in writing (by e-mail). Between 48 and 24 hours before the reservation is made, 50% will be charged. In the last 24 hours 100% of the total amount will be charged.
Article 9 Personal data
The personal data of the lessee that are mentioned in the contract are processed by the lessor within the meaning of the Personal Data Protection Act. On the basis of this processing, the lessor can: execute the agreement, provide optimal service, provide the renter with timely product information and personalised offers. Any objection that the lessee may make to the lessor will be honoured when processing for direct mailing purposes.
© Copyright Mei 2024 door Fietsverhuur Dousberg
Terms and Conditions Fietsverhuur Dousberg (BOVAG)
Article 1 Rent
The rent is determined on the basis of the rates applicable at the time of entering into the lease by Fietsverhuur Dousberg.
Article 2 Terms
Bicycle: the bicycle, which is the subject of the lease;
Tenant: the natural person or legal person who concludes the lease as a tenant;
Owner: the natural person or legal person who concludes the lease as a tenant.
Article 3 Payment
- The rent and all other amounts must be paid in advance.
- A deposit applies per item. If stated otherwise on the contract. This deposit serves to return the rented property in good condition to the tenant. Any damage or theft will be settled in addition to the deposit.
- If the renter cannot use the bicycle(s) for any reason whatsoever, the lessor bears no liability for the resulting costs and damages.
- In the case referred to in the previous paragraph, the renter remains obliged to pay the full rental sum and any other amounts stated in the bill, unless he can prove that the bicycle(s) were unable to use because of a defect that was already present at the start of the rental period
- Non prepaid reservations are released for further rental from 11 am, unless otherwise communicated and agreed by owner.
Article 4 Rental period
- The rental period is the period between the pick-up and delivery times as stated in the contract.
- The rental period can only be extended after permission of the owner at the (extension)rates as referred to article a.
- Interim delivery of the bicycle(s) causes the rental agreement to end without there being any right to a reduction as stated in the contract or because of an extension of the rental period.
- The bicycle(s) must be picked up and returned to the address of the owner at the latest time of return specified in the contract.
- If the original or extended rental period is exceeded by more than 15 minutes because the bicycle(s) has not been delivered to the owners address on time, the rent continues until the bicycles have been received by the owner at the rates as referred to in Article 1.
- Without prejudice stated in the previous paragraph, the owner has the right to cancel the rental contract terminated without judicial intervention and to claim the return or take back the bicycle(s) where and wherever the bicycle(s) is/are located. The owner also has this authority if the tenant does not comply with any conditions of the rental contract.
Article 5 Usage / Responsibility
- The bicycle(s)may only be used as agreed for their normal destination and in the contract stated riders. The bicycle(s) must be returned as clean as the bicycle(s) were provided. Dirt from normal use is accepted by the owner.
- The renter will take good care of the bicycle(s). The renter must take precautionary measures against damage, loss or theft. Always lock the bicycle(s) properly and don't leave it unlocked/unattended. Always attach the bicycle(s) to an object or put it safely in one of the guarded bicycle parking places in the city centre and at the resort in the storage box.
- The centre of Maastricht is equipped with a few guarded bicycle parking facilities. The free bicycle parking facilities are located on the Markt 36-A and the Kesselskade. It is also possible to park your back next to the central station for a fee.
I you decide to park your bike elsewhere in the center it is possible the bicycle(s) will get stolen or picked up by the municipality and transported to the bicycle depot - The bicycles(s) may not be used on gravel pads.
- A helmet is recommended for an electric bicycle (not required). The owner does not accept any liability as a result of the driver not wearing a proper helmet.
- The tenant remains responsible for theft and damage to the rented bicycle(s) until the owners takes in the bicycle(s)
Article 6 Damage, lost and theft
During booking on the website or before signing the rental agreement the renter is offered an Rent guarantee (Rental Guarantee) which will cover:
- Theft, only when the renter can provide the key(s) and the official police report.
- Loss, in case of lost/theft the renter has to call the municipality (department bicycle depot) +31 (0)43 350 40 40. If the bicycle(s) is/are there they can be picked up against a fee (not included in the rental guarantee).
- Damage, only when the bicycle(s) is used in the proper way
The costs of the Rental Guarantee are:
€ 2,50,- per city bicycle per day;
€ 5,- per kids-tandem and elektric bicycle per day;
€ 10,- per cargo bicycle per day.
The Rental Guarantee only covers the price of the bicycle(s). There is always a own risk.
For city bicycles € 50,- per damage and € 100,- per theft.
For the child-tandem and electric bike € 200,- per damage and € 1000,- per theft.
For cargo bicycles € 250,- per damage and € 2500,- per theft.
This cannot be bought off. The rentall guarantee doesn’t cover personal damage or injury.
The loss of a key or charger is not covered by the rental guarantee, but is at the exprense of the renter.
The cost are € 15,- to receive a new official key.
In case the renter does not use the Rental Guarantee the rented bicycle(s) are not insured for theft or hull damage. The renter is responsible for damage to or loss of the bicycle(s) or parts thereof, as well as bicycle keys and chain(s)/locks. The damage amount will be charged in case of damage or theft. If the bicycle(s) get stolen, the renter must hand over the key(s). Taking and / or returning back deposit does not indemnify the renter from his/her obligations to compensate for damage/theft caused during the rental period.
Kosten van de fietsen bij het niet afnemen van de huurgarantie:
City bicycle 3 speed € 875,- (Batavus Personal Bike N3)
City bicycle 7 speed € 1099,- (Cortina Socio)
Sport city bicycle 7 speed € 899,- (Trek District 2 EQ)
Sport city bicycle 7 speed € 899,- (Trek Verve 2 EQ)
Electric bicycle € 2499,- (Trek District+ 1 400Wh)
Kidstandem € 2499,- (Onderwaterfiets XL N7)
Elektric Cargobicyle € 5999,- (Urban Arrow Family 545Wh)
Article 7 Costs during rental period
All charges and taxes in respect of the bicycle(s) are (are) for the account of the renter. Likewise, all costs are associated with its use, such as storage and repairs like flat/broken tires and all the defects and costs resulting of improper use. Normal maintenance, not to be blamed on the tenant, is at the expense of the owner.
Article 8 Reservation/Annulation
- All reservations; online, per mail of by phone, payment must be made immeditately.
- In the unlikely event that you have to cancel, you can do so free of charge up to 48 hours in advance by writing an e-mail. Between 48 and 24 hours before the reservation, 50% of the amount will be charged. In the last 24 hours, 100% of the amount will be charged.
Article 9 Personal data
The personal data of the tenant stated on the contract are processed by the owner in the sense of the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act. On the basis of this processing, the owner can: execute the agreement, provide optimum service, provide the tenant with product information on time and make personalized offers. Against processing for the benefit of direct mailing, any objections to be made by the tenant to the owner will be honored.
© Copyright May 2024 by Fietsverhuur Dousberg